Josh C. Allen

Josh C. Allen enjoys helping business owners and operators. Those in the trenches of running a business. He enjoys watching the change in their business (and life) when they use some of his hard-earned wisdom.

Many life experiences ultimately led Josh to create Unstuck Coaches.  He is still in awe that: Jesus saved and changed him; He is married to his incredible wife of 20+ years; and has 5 amazing kids.

Josh is a licensed Texas attorney celebrating 20 years in September.

Besides work, he is active in several non-profit ministries which involve leading men on adventures and into a deeper relationship with God and others.

Josh helped create a podcast about hope – The StoryField podcast.

Josh is also hobby peach farmer with his family. They are currently attempting to get 200+ peach trees established and producing.


The Allen Firm, PC

The Allen Firm, PC is a Texas law firm which provides legal guidance so you can make a great decision, come to a resolution, and be at peace.

IDM Adventures, Inc.

Josh loves getting men outdoors; leading adventures; and setting the table for them to encounter their Maker in unexpected ways. This is what iDM is all about.

Irons in the Fire, Inc.

IRONS IN THE FIRE is a nonprofit which is getting men back into the wild and back around the table for true, authentic relationships, and vulnerability

The StoryField

The StoryField podcast, is about hope. It just celebrated its 10,000th download and have a list of great guests who will leave you inspired.


Young Life

His family and others are working to get Young Life launched in Stephenville, Texas.  Contact me if you want to help or support this organization.

Jamie Winship Event

Jamie and Donna Winship are coming to Stephenville and working with Josh to get all funding and arrangements made.  Click here if you want to help or support Blessed Communities to make this happen.

iDM Adventures, Inc

Josh leads multiple iDM trips each year and we are working to pay off its cabin. Click here if you would like to join me in investing in the lives of men.

Time to get unstuck
Let's get you going!

We are ready for you to experience more freedom; reach your goals; and live with more joy.  Our Coaches have a deep understanding of business and would love to help you develop a “you-tailored” path so you can get unstuck.

Meet with Us!